Konferenca o internacionalizaciji visokega šolstva in pomenu evropskih univerz

Vabilo na konferenco “Internacionalizacija visokega šolstva in pomen evropskih univerz

Konferenca ja namenjena razpravi ter izmenjavi izkušenj, dobrih praks in izzivov med slovenskimi univerzami, ki sodelujejo v zavezništvih evropskih univerz, s poudarkom na profesionalnem razvoju in krepitvi kompetenc osebja preko strateško umeščenih mednarodnih mobilnosti, ki so eden od ključnih elementov zavezništva ter kako se to vključuje v razvoj institucije ter dvig kakovosti poučevanja in raziskovanja. Udeleženci bodo na dogodku imeli priložnost slišati vidike vodstev slovenskih univerz vključenih v zavezništva, kot tudi slišati primere dobrih praks z omenjenega področja.

Konferenco organizira RKRS v sodelovanju s CMEPIUS.

Konferenca, ki bo potekala 24. maja 2024, med 9.00 in 16.00, na UP FM, bo potekala v angleškem jeziku! Vabljeni predstavniki visokošolskih institucij, študenti kot ostali zainteresirani | PRIJAVA |PROGRAM KONFERENCE


INVITATION TO THE CONFERENCE: Internationalisation of Higher Education and the Importance of European Universities

The conference aims to discuss and share experiences, good practices and challenges among Slovenian universities participating in the European Universities alliances, with a focus on professional development and staff competence building through strategically positioned international mobility as one of the key elements of the alliance, and how this is integrated into the development of the institution and the enhancement of the quality of teaching and research.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear the perspectives of the leadership of Slovenian universities involved in the alliances, as well as to hear examples of good practice in this field.

The conference is organised by RKRS in cooperation with CMEPIUS.

The conference will take place on 24 May 2024, 9.00-16.00, at UP FM, and will be held in English! Employees working in higher education institutions, students and other interested participants are welcome. | APPLY HERE|CONFERENCE PROGRAMME



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